Wish List

At Arogya Nilayam, we don’t have a wish list a mile long, in fact it is just one line – One wish

To set up a Testing Laboratory

Why a Testing Laboratory?

Diagnostic tests improve patient care and play a very important role in protecting patient’s health.

The diagnostic process is most critical to deliver quality health care to a patient. Once a patient experiences a health problem, and seeks health care, there is an iterative process of information gathering, information integration and interpretation and determination to arrive at a working diagnosis.

Performing a clinical history and interview, conducting a physical exam, performing diagnostic testing are the most critical stages before the medical practitioner charts out his course of

In India today, testing has become very expensive. The high costs associated with testing is a deterrent for most patients who come to our clinic. This leaves us in a lock jam.

Our wish

It is our wish at this point to start an in-house laboratory which can provide free testing for our patients for basic investigation for diabetes, liver function test, renal profile, lipid profile etc.
This Clinical laboratory will help us to obtain a better understanding of the patient’s medical condition so we can treat them more accurately and effectively. We propose to set up a fully automated clinical laboratory, as this will reduce our monthly expenditure and it will provide the most accurate reading.
In this regard, we appeal to your generosity and seek your support and sponsorship to fully fund and equip this facility.