Completed Covid-19 Projects
Creating awareness – Hand hygiene March 2020
Arogya Nilayam, conducted regular awareness camps on the importance of hand hygiene. The COVID-19 pandemic is a stark reminder that one of the most effective ways to stop the spread of a virus is also one of the simplest: hand hygiene.
Why hand hygiene?
• Protects us from contracting the disease
• Stops transmission to other people.
• Be better prepared for future pandemics
• Disseminate the message on the importance of washing your hands, so that will effectively
reach different population segments
• Hoping that everyone washes their hands and maintains hand hygiene habitually
Project - Mask Up April 2020
Social Welfare Initiative during the 1st Lockdown Supplied cloth masks to the corporation workers, essential service workers, front line workers etc. free of cost. Arogya Nilayam liaison with The Square Inch ( TSI) who supplied the material during the lockdown to make the masks . Masks were tailored by the wonderful women at the Better World Shelter, a Shelter for women with Disability for whom this was a source of Income during these tough times. These masks where then picked up by staff of Arogya Nilayam, washed and packed into individual paper covers before distribution.
Impact : Helped Persons with disability earn a living
Provided reusable cloth masks to essential service workers & front line workers at
a time when masks where in short supply
Distribution of Hand Sanitisers March 2020
Distributed alcohol-based Hand Sanitizers to families who don’t have access to continuous water supply also taught them how to use the sanitizer. Also gave them Hygiene Kits that contained hand wash, soap, and a dental kit.
Vaccination Drive May 2021
Completed Covid 19 Vaccination drives for the following categories
• People of all age groups
• Essential service providers
• Front line workers
• Persons with disability
Project Mask Up - 2nd May 2021
Taking care of the ones who take care of us – Provided N95 masks as well as Hand Hygiene & Dental Hygiene Kits to the doctors, nurses, and staff of Zone 13, Chennai Corporation
Medical Supplies May -July 2021
Provided the Adyar PHC with medical equipment as per their request to set up the New born stabilization unit . Provided them with Neonatal multi parameter monitor with new born cuffs & prongs , baby weighing scales , stethoscopes etc
Grief Counselling – Session with Ms.R Vaishnevy May 2021
Organised a grief counselling session for the teachers of Spastic Society of Tamil Nadu to deal with the grief of losing a student. The response to the session was so good that we were joined by teachers of different organization across the country, The program was a zoom program for the teachers of Spastn and a youtube live to accommodate all the beneficiaries.